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Welcome to API Kansas!

2023 API Scholarship

Updated Scholarship Applications are UP!  Click HERE.

Upcoming API Membership Events

Scholarship Banquet
Date: May 2023

The event shall recognize the 2023 recipients of the API Scholarship. Remember, past recipients are also recognized at the dinner, so students and their families are encouraged to attend as well.

Hope to see you there!!!



View Past Scholarship Recipients

What is API Kansas?


The Western Kansas Chapter of the American Petroleum Institute (API) is a nonprofit organization comprised of oil & gas professionals working together  to improve the industry.  API Kansas provides a forum for our members to discuss  energy-related issues both specific to our region and world-wide.


Membership is open to all individuals 18 or older residing in and actively engaged in the oil industry in the State of Kansas.

Annual API Scholarship


Each year the Western Kansas Chapter offers several 4-year college scholarships to area high school seniors who have parents that work in the oil & gas industry  and/or to students who plan to pursue an oil & gas related degree.  


Students and Counselors!  Scholarship applications for 2015 are up!!  Please click on button below for more information or to download an application.  

API Scholarship Golf Tournament 


The API Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held September 19, 2018. Please keep checking the website for future updates and tournament information.

© 2018 by by American Petroleum Institute:  Western Kansas Chapter. All Rights Reserved.

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